How to install WordPress on EasyEngine

Here’s a guide on how to install WordPress on EasyEngine version 4 on Ubuntu 20.04 with PHP 7.4 complete with Let’s Encrypt’s free SSL certificate and Redis cache. For example, I will use a domain name with the following details:

  • Domain:
  • Domain Alias:

Please change according to your actual domain name.

Domain pointing

Before we start, the domain name must be pointed to the server IP address.

Create site and install WordPress

Open Linux terminal or PuTTY SSH on Windows, then login with root level user account. To start create site we will user site create command.

Run the following commnad (don’t forget to change domain name) and press Enter

ee site create --type=wp --cache --php=7.4 --ssl=le

If successfully, the output will be like this

Success: Cron created successfully
| Site               |               |
| Site Root          | /opt/easyengine/sites/ |
| Site Title         |                       |
| WordPress Username | clever-kapitsa                       |
| WordPress Password | 84YI0h6h2qEwgEIXm1                   |
| Alias Domains      |                   |
| DB Host            | global-db                            |
| DB Name            | omar_web_id                       |
| DB User            |                |
| DB Password        | XDyVC5WaJRwl                         |
| E-Mail             | [email protected]                 |
| SSL                | Enabled                              |
| SSL Wildcard       | No                                   |
| Cache              | Enabled                              |
| Proxy Cache        | Off                                  |
+--------------------+--------------------------------------+Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

All web or domain will be installed in /opt/easyengine/sites/, so in this case /opt/easyengine/sites/

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